Monday, June 20, 2011

A Movie Star in the Making

Y'all. I am a movie star.

Ok, that's a gross exaggeration, but this weekend, as my friends and I strolled through Central Park, we were asked to be in a commercial for Oxfam America!

Oxfam is an international non-profit fighting poverty and injustice through partnerships in 98 countries worldwide. An incredible organization, Oxfam promotes education and gender equality, supports local groups working to prevent HIV and AIDS in Africa and administers emergency support to victims of political and natural disasters among many other worthwhile efforts. Click over to their website to learn more about the organization and how you can help.

Obviously, we couldn't turn down the opportunity to help out a great cause and get our 15 minutes of fame in the process. I'm not sure if you can see our faces in the video because we were holding umbrellas and they were shooting from above, but either way, it was a great experience.

They didn't know when the video would be ready, but as soon as I see it, I'll be sure to post it here on Style of a 20 Something. The coordinator mentioned the commercial was for a campaign to gain more fans on Facebook so go "Like" the Oxfam fan page! Click here for a link!

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