A powerful and life-affirming romantic drama about love, grief and deception, Safe Harbour premiered on DVD from New Line Home Entertainment on October 30, 2007. Based on Danielle Steel’s bestselling novel, the film stars Melissa Gilbert (TV’s Little House on the Prairie, TV’s Nip/Tuck) as a grief- stricken mother and widow struggling to pick up the pieces of her shattered world following a life-altering family tragedy. When an unexpected romance finds its way into her heart, she slowly begins to embrace her passion for life, motherhood and friendship again – only to learn that an unimaginable betrayal threatens to reopen the wounds she has worked so hard to heal.
With more than half a billion books sold, Danielle Steel is America’s most prolific romance novelist. Author of 102 novels, including The Wedding, Sisters and Second Chance, Steel currently holds the title in The Guinness Book of World Records for having at least one novel on The New York Times bestseller list for 390 consecutive weeks, including Safe Harbour, which topped the list for 11 weeks. A gripping story of love, loss and the powerful bonds that can heal upended families, Safe Harbour is based on Danielle Steel’s bestselling novel about the entwined fates of a grieving young widow (Gilbert) and a devastated artist (Brad Johnson). Both feel as though they have lost everything until they find a thread of hope in one another on a remote, fog-shrouded California beach. In the tentative but exhilarating beginnings of a new romance unfolds a tale of how, even in the darkest of times, new sparks can be lit and hearts can be changed by singular acts of courage and human kindness.
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