Friday, September 15, 2006

Best Dressed Is? Couture in the City Fashion Blog

Actress Jennifer Aniston has been named as the best dressed woman of 2006.

In a poll conducted by People magazine Aniston topped the best dressed list with 54% of reader’s votes.

People editor Elizabeth Sporkin tried to explain why Aniston is the People’s choice: “She has a fashion sense that is very accessible.”

”She wears jeans and t-shirts and blazers. She dresses like a regular person, and her evening wear, if you were going to an event, you would think you could really dress like her.”

Halle Berry, Kate Moss, Jessica Alba, Beyonce Knowles and Eva Longoria all featured in the top 10 best dressed women.

However, British glamour model’s Jordan and Jodie Marsh received a lashing for their tacky style and were named as the world worst dressed celebrities.

Surely the American’s have got their own bad dressers…what about Bai Ling?


Who is your pick for best dress?

Jennifer Aniston
Kate Moss
Jessica Alba
Eva Longoria

Halle Berry

Beyonce Knowles

Bai Ling
Jessica Simpson
Olsen Twins
Lindsey Lohan

My favorite Jennifer Aniston ****

Technorati tags: best dressed fashion style Jennifer Aniston Kate Moss Jessica Alba Eva Langoria Halle Berry Beyonce Knowles Bai Ling Jordan Jodie Marsh Couture in the City
fashion blog

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